Monday, August 20, 2007

7 ways to warm up your romantic relationship

1. Compliment your mate about his/her smile.

2. If you live together wash the dishes, vacuum and take out the garbage before your mate gets home.

3. Give your mate a thank you card and list at least five things about your relationship and/or the other person that you're grateful for.

4. Go for a walk together and ask your mate about his/her weekly, monthly and yearly goals.

5. Make a "sick pack" for your mate in case of minor illness. Include cold/ allergy medicine, aspirin, antacids, tea, soup, etc.

6. Commit at least one night to a "date night", where just the two of you do something together fun, romantic, and/or special.

7. Take up a new hobby together such as: exercising, taking a cooking class, joining a book club, hiking, camping, gardening, antiquing, doing puzzles.

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