Monday, August 27, 2007

What would happen if..............

1. You don't lash out on an occasion when your significant other is acting a bit irrational?

2. You don't tell your mate that they don't need to be eating cake for dessert?

3. You don't repeatedly talk to your partner about how attractive your co-worker of the opposite sex is?

4. On a road trip, you don't sit in the passenger seat and nag about how your boyfriend is driving( that is unless he is driving recklessly)?

5. You don't react after your mate makes an insensitive comment about what you are wearing?

Answer: You'd have a happier, healthier relationship. Most of the time in relationships, during both small-talk moments and moments of tension , we'd be better served to make the choice of saying nothing. Many comments people make in relationships are unnecessary and sometimes just plain rude. Before saying something to your mate, particularly during a tense moment, ask yourself if what you are about to say is really necessary. Think about if what you are about to say will help build your mate up or contribute to tearing them down. Apply this strategy and you'll soon notice that you will significantly reduce the hurt feelings, bickering and petty drama that can erode your precious gift of a relationship.

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